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Version 0.2.0 of audioBox released

The new version of audioBox now supports Ogg Vorbis audio files via the ogg123 audio player.
In order to use ogg123 with audioBox you have to install the remote-enabled version of ogg123. You can download a patch for ogg123 or a pre-patched version at http://www.t3i.nl/t3i/downloads.html.
audioBox does not depend on ogg123. If you only have mp3 files, you can run audioBox without ogg123.

Version 0.2.0 of audioBox also introduces display driver plug-ins. It is now possible to write display driver plug-ins for virtually any output device, such as a car radio headunit or a LCD screen. audioBox supports multiple displays in parallel. Individual display drivers can be enabled or disabled at compile-time using configure script switches. You can find the plug-in templates in CVS in the audiobox/templates directory.

Please contact me, if you have written any display plug-ins.

Send mail to Wolfgang Reißnegger (don't forget to remove -REMOVE-THIS- from address) if you want to contribute or if you have questions or comments about audioBox.

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